Young Business Course/

Young Business Course/

Accelerate your growth

The “Entreprise Junior Achievement” is a growth engine for these companies operating in a highly competitive sector. This combination of mentoring and development in marketing activities helps to foster the transfer of knowledge and facilitates opportunities for meetings with seasoned leaders to move these companies forward. to support their sustainability.
The scholarships are valued at nearly $ 6,000 per company and allow recipients to be accompanied for one year by someone with experience. Recipients also have the opportunity to participate in events and workshops with their peers and industry experts, as well as being offered a variety of professional services to perfect their business model. These grants thus represent, for the young companies that benefit from them, a major asset in their development.

Press Release

The Quebec Technology Association unveils the five winners of the 2nd cohort Parcours Jeune Entreprise (PJE)

Read the press release

Winners of the 2019 Young Enterprise course

$100 ** / month for a year

Eligibility Criteria

The techno CEO must:
  • Be between 20 and 40 years old inclusively;
  • Be available from February 20 to 22, 2019 at Vision PDG;
  • To be a Canadian citizen;
  • Be CEO of your company;
  • Work full time for your business
  • Not to be engaged in legal proceedings and to have no legal recourse against his company.
The company must:
  • Démontrer que le membership à l’AQT et la participation à Vision PDG apporteront un soutien important au développement de son entreprise;
  • Avoir son siège social au Canada;
  • Être incorporée selon la loi provinciale ou fédérale;
  • Avoir entre 18 mois et six ans d’existence;
  • Démontrer un chiffre d’affaires de moins de 1 million de dollars;
  • Démontrer une clientèle;
  • Être en processus de commercialisation;
  • Avoir un plan de développement concret;
  • Fournir tous les documents demandés en appui à sa candidature.

Winners of the 2018 Junior Achievement Course

The winning companies of the 1st cohort are:


Thank you to our partner of Parcours Jeune Entreprise (PJE) Program