

We publish a newsletter every week about the AQT latest news, technology sector and our members. Read it or subscribe anytime!

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Send us your good news by sending your news headline with a hyperlink to the full content in order to share them to all other members. This is a exclusive offer for our members only.

  • Release (bi-monthly) : Thursdays
  • Deadline : at latest on the last Wednesday preceding the display
  • Format : The AQT will insert a sentence from your press release into its 140-character bulletin with your hyperlink. The hyperlink will direct readers to your site for full reading of the release, thus bringing more traffic. AQT reserves the right to adapt the content according to the format in force.
  • Editorial policy : AQT members’ news reports on company news (merger, acquisition, launch, nomination, awards and merits, new partnerships, etc.) and not the direct promotion of solutions or services.